Hello, my name is Pratyush Sarin. I am a medical microbiology and astrobiology graduate researcher. BioLim was a guiding torch for me in 2018 which was the starting phase of my career as a researcher. I was pursuing my research project on terpenoids under the guidance of Mr.Madhan Sir and Rahul Sir. I must say they taught me enough being in the starting phase of my career. From that point till now in 2020 this research associate programme enthuses me to pursue a research internship. This programme had embedded the scientific information from the beginning to the end like what is research and why to perform? The content about each and every aspect of research proposal, design,MSDS , budget , citation styles to the commercialization was too perfect to find at BioLim. Literally I liked the material because these things are never taught at the university level. The basic and most crucial was research proposal and timeline tactics to get funds sanctioned from agencies. It was more interesting when the study was correlated with my topic of lung cancer because I got the opportunity to create my own research proposals, design, budgeting, timeline etc. Implementation exposed us to the real world submitting of scientific content. At last, I will say that again this organization taught me the ethics of work and research performing guide to help in future in order to apply for a research associate position.
Pratyush Sarin
From Noida International University, India
Pursued Internship Programme (Online internship on research associate role) in BioLim
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