Artificial intelligence in biological science and technology


Artificial intelligence in biological science and technology

About programme

We all know that the era of artificial intelligence is starting to evolve and is moving towards its peak. AI is revolutionising a wide variety of industries including biological fields. A wide variety of bio sectors are being boosted by AI in multiple possible ways. This short certificate course on artificial intelligence in biological science and technology will be an eye-opener for progressive learners and professionals to find the exact momentum that AI can give to improve their careers in the biology sector.

Programme suitability

  • Learners who want to know about the basics of artificial intelligence.
  • Learners who want to know the application of AI in bio field.
  • Learners who want to become AI researchers in respective to bio sector.
  • Learners who want to perform higher research and higher studies related to AI in biological sciences.
  • Professionals who want to apply AI in their existing bio career for progress.

Programme specifications

Specifications Details
Programme duration 10 days
Programme code BOC008
Programme conducting type Online
Learning mode Online
Language of learning English
Daily timing(s) Any time of your preference in a day
Learning method Active & passive learning
Assignments Yes, Applicable. After completion of every unit.
Daily time requirement 30 to 60 min per day for very active learners
60 to 90 min per for moderately active learners
90 to 120 min for slow learners
Mode of evaluation Online assignment evaluation and online examination. Examination will not be applicable, if you opt for no certification.
Certificate options Hard copy or E-certificate. You can also opt for no certification.
Minimum marks required for certification 40%


  • The applicant should be having or pursuing a degree in any of the streams under science, technology, engineering and medicine in any government approved institution/college/university.
  • The candidate must possess basic knowledge in biology.
  • The age of the applicant should be minimum of 18 years on the date of joining in this programme.
  • The age of the applicant should not exceed 59 at the time of joining.
  • School students and diploma students are not eligible for this programme.

Programme module, learning process & fee info

To know about the programme module, learning process and enrollment fee please apply for the programme and track your application.

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