Cluster research programme

A programme to do your UG/PG/PhD research project in our ongoing industrial research clusters with our complete mentorship (Regular mode)

Cluster research programme

About programme

Research prevails in every sector and is the fundamental unit for the development of science and technology. Research is of several kinds and is usually performed by researchers who have expertise in the field of interest. Research needs a higher amount of funds in order to be planned, developed, executed and implemented. Therefore expertise and funds both are required for carrying out research effectively. Young learners from undergraduate and postgraduate programmes need to perform research work as part of their curriculum. However, lack of expertise and funds restrict them in performing innovative research during their curriculum. We, BioLim, identify this exact issue and have launched this cluster research programme to provide necessary solutions for the existing demand. This cluster research programme will provide scope for the participants to involve in industrially and socially relevant research works being carried out by BioLim on a yearly basis. The participants can join the cluster and carry out research with a team of researchers comprising BioLim mentors and other fellow participants. This cluster approach helps to gain mentorship, place and utilities required for performing research at very nominal cost.

Salient features

  • You will be part of a research cluster already working on the research and hence you will gain maximum knowledge sharing.
  • You will be working on socially and industrially relevant projects which will boost your research career.
  • You will be working on open innovations that benefit various segments of the society.
  • You can choose your research projects from the list of available streams according to your interest.
  • You will be working as a group in the project collaboratively.
Click to know about current research clusters

Programme suitability

  • The programme is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students who want to do research projects for their curriculum.
  • The programme is suitable for those who want to gain research experience to improve their academic career.
  • This programme is suitable for those who want to go abroad for higher studies with research publications.

Info video

Programme specifications

Specifications Details
Programme duration 30 days minimum (and can be extended in monthly basis)
Programme code BRR001
Programme conducting type Regular
Learning mode Hybrid
Language of learning English
Daily timing(s) Any time of your preference in a day
Learning method Active & passive learning
Report submission Yes, Applicable. After completion of the programme.
Mode of evaluation Offline technical evaluation, online report evaluation and online viva. Viva will not be applicable, if you opt for no certification.
Certificate options Hard copy or E-certificate. You can also opt for no certification.
Minimum marks required for certification 50%


  • The applicant should be a citizen of India.
  • The applicant should be having or pursuing a degree in the stream of science and technology in any government approved institution/college/university.
  • The age of the applicant should have been 18 years on the joining date.
  • The age of the applicant should not exceed 49 at the time of joining.

Programme venue (Partner laboratory)

True Amigo, KK Nagar, Chennai, TN, India

Programme module, learning process & fee info

To know about the programme module, learning process and enrollment fee please apply for the programme and track your application.

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