It was a great experience having this internship with this program. I will take the internship's positive and negative aspects with me in applying for and analyzing future opportunities. All the study materials and tasks related to cancer and the technologies used to diagnose and treat cancer were really helpful to acquire knowledge in the field for my future research. The way of searching literature on how to write a research proposal and how to execute research work was very well explained to a newcomer to understand how to be well informed and certain to get any desired outcome from any experiment. For choosing a research work, what are the important objects one should have in their mind is very well explained. With the completion of this internship now I know after completion of a research work how to write a research article and how to write a review article as well. Thank you for giving us such an opportunity to acquire knowledge of our interests in detail and making us more confident for the future. Thank you.
Dishani Biswas
From West Bengal State University, India
Pursued Internship Programme (Internship on cancer biotechnology research associate role) in BioLim
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