FAQs (Certification)

If I join the programme, will I be getting the certificate?

Yes. However, you have to complete the  programme successfully inorder to avail the certificate.

I have completed my exam or viva. How do I track my results?

Usually the results will be published in 2 working days. Maximum it will take  5  working days from the day of examination or viva. Once the results are published, you will be getting an intimation email from us through email. Following the receipt of the email, you can check your results in the MYCLOUD section of the BioLim cloud portal and further raise a certificate request. All information regarding result tracking and further certificate request raising shall be provided to you in the result announcement email. If you exceed 5 working days from the day of viva/examination, please write to our support desk.

Query form link: Click here

How long will it take to receive the certificate?

Once you have successfully completed your viva/examination and got your results, you can expect the certificate.  If you have opted for an E certificate it will be issued to you within 2-3 working days from the date of result announcement. If you have opted for a hard copy certificate it will be dispatched within 7 working days from the date of result announcement. If the time limit is exceeded, Kindly write to our support desk.

Query form link: Click here

Will I receive both an E certificate and hardcopy?

Based on our policy, as a standard mechanism, we would either provide an E certificate or a Hardcopy. If you have opted for an E certificate during enrollment, we could only provide an E certificate. Both will not be provided.

I have opted for e-certificate during admission, but I want a hard copy certificate?

If you have opted for an E certificate at the admission time and you require a hardcopy at the end of the programme, there will be an additional nominal fee applicable for your hard copy request. Please contact our support desk to know more details on additional fee payment for processing the hard copy certificate.

Query form link:Click here